Tay Ho Str, Hanoi
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Washer & Dryer
가정부 서비스
3 times per week
포함 안 된
Water, Wifi internet, Cable TV
4-bedroom serviced apartment in Tay Ho for rent, excellent for expat families. It has usable size of 215 m2, comes with a spacious living room combined with dining area. An open-plan kitchen is very well equipped with modern appliances. In addition, there are balconies where you can enjoy fresh air everyday in a good view. It features 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, which is great for a family of three or four people.
The landlord has fully furnished this apartment in a nice quality. Moreover, it has modern functions to make your life ever comfortable. Wood flooring; Double-glaze windows; Lots of natural light; Good air ventilation.
Since this 4-bedroom serviced apartment located in a quite alley, it keeps you far away from street noise at any time. Moreover, you will have easy walking distance to daily facilities. 2 minutes to walk to System’s Little House kindergarten, California Centuryon gym & pool, and plenty of shops, super markets.
나무 바닥
세탁기와 건조기
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