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Brand new 2 bedroom apartment Tay Ho for rent부동산 ID: 208441

$ 1,200 /month
To Ngoc Van Tay Ho, Hanoi
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부동산 ID
Property Size
100 m2


If you are looking for a brand new 2 bedroom apartment Tay Ho/West Lake area? check out this 2 bedroom apartment. It is brand new, charming & cozy, well-finished home with modern functionalities. The whole apartment spacious.

This brand new 2 bedroom apartment Tay Ho– Modern home for you!

Brand new 2 bedroom apartment Tay Ho is convenient for dining and shopping. It is near JOMA cafe, plenty of shops and markets Amenities. Services included: fully-furnished apartment, kitchen with a built-in oven, utensils, cooking stuff. The rent inclusive of Internet WIFI, Cable TV, housekeeping, 24/7 security guard, and an elevator.

Call us now to book a visit!

주소: To Ngoc Van Tay Ho
Country: Vietnam
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부동산 ID: 208441" data-pin="apartments" data-thumb="" data-price="%3Cspan%20class%3D%27infocur%20infocur_first%27%3E%3C%2Fspan%3E%24%201%2C200%3Cspan%20class%3D%27infocur%27%3E%2Fmonth%3C%2Fspan%3E" data-single-first-type="Apartments" data-single-first-action="%EC%9E%84%EB%8C%80" data-rooms="2" data-size="100%20m%3Csup%3E2%3C%2Fsup%3E" data-bathrooms="2" data-prop_url="" data-pin_price="%24%201200" data-clean_price="1200" >

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