Check out this 60m², 1 bedroom apartment located in Trieu Viet Vuong street. The apartment is decently spacious for a 1 bedroom apartment, with great location, close to many embassies and organizations, and walking distance to the Old Quarter.
It also has many amenities and features such as
- Furnitures such as fridge, TV, air conditioners
- Ultilities such as water, TV cable, high speed internet
- Cleaning service 3 times a week, with laundry service and sheets change once a week
- … and more.
If you are looking for a midrange serviced apartment with central location and a minimalist style, and you’d are busy and would like to have everything taken care off, so you can focus on your work. don’t wait any longer!
Contact me now at phuong@vietlonghousing.com or 0836886569 for more details!
나무 바닥
세탁기와 건조기
화재 경보
보안 카메라
도어 맨

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