59 Xuan Dieu, Hanoi
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포함 안 된
This 3 bedroom apartment has 116 sqm living area. The apartment is greatly located on a high floor at the D’. Leroi Soleil building in 59 Xuan Dieu with the room has large windows to getting full natural light.
The living room includes a sofa and a large glass door. The balcony with washing machine, well equipped, modern kitchen is open plan with a living room and a dining table with six chairs. There are three modern furnished bedrooms and 1 en-suite bathroom. The bright and airy master bedroom is well located at the corner. Separate modern style bathroom with bathtub. This furnished apartment with modern furniture and equip, friendly landlord, long-term lease contract, suitable for a family or couple.
D’. Leroi Soleil 3 bedrooms apartment, with lake view
나무 바닥
세탁기와 건조기
보안 카메라
도어 맨
호수 전망
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