Fully furnished apartment with 3 bedrooms in Xom Chua Tay Ho.
This modern 03 bedrooms apartment for rent is located on Xom Chua area. The apartment is 180 sqm of total living area. It is designed 03 bedrooms, 03 bathrooms, a living room, kitchen with full staff and dining area. There is a balcony in front of the living room.
It is fully furnished, nice decoration and modern style. It is wooden floor, modern equipment, and furniture.
The building is new, good quality. It has an elevator, motorbike parking and security guard. The price is inclusive of Internet WiFi, cable Tv, city water, cleaning and basic laundry serviced 03 times per week.
나무 바닥
세탁기와 건조기
화재 경보
호수 전망

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