Great view modern 3 bedroom apartment is in Ngoai Giao Doan area, Vo Chi Cong street, Tay Ho, Hanoi, near Bamboo Airway Office.
- The living area of 122 sq m, designed with a large living room combining with kitchen and dining area. A good size balcony with the great view of the city and the lake. There are 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. All rooms have natural light go through the window.
- Located in a great location. It takes a few steps to the Bamboo Airway Office, 5 minutes to Ciputra area so it is very convenient if you are the teachers from the national schools in Ciputra area. It also takes 15 minutes by bike to Cau Giay district.
- The building has gym and pool on the 5th floor, Vinmart supper market on the ground floor.
나무 바닥
식기 세척기
화재 경보
도어 맨
호수 전망

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