Ready to use 91m² apartment located in Sun Grand City Thuy Khue. The apartment has beautiful designed interiors, lots of natural light and a balcony.
Also included are
- 2 king size beds
- Furnitures such as TV and washing machine.
- Kitchen, fridge and air conditioner
- Walking distance to West Lake
- Easy access to all central parts of Hanoi
- Doormans, security guards and receptions
- Parking garage
Sun Grand City Thuy Khue Residence is a modern, high end condo with international standards, designed for the highest quality of living. Shopping malls, swimming pools and fitness centers are all available in the building.
This is the perfect apartment for you if you’re looking for a place for a small family located in the center of Hanoi, with easy access to many central districts.
Contact me now at 0836886569, or phuong@vietlonghousing.com for more details!
화재 경보
보안 카메라
도어 맨

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