Diplomatic Complex, Hanoi
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Modern Style duplex 04 bedroom apartment in Diplomatic Complex, Tay Ho
You will love this furnished Apartment that embraces sunlight, the best part of this home is the spacious and comfortable living room, which brings you a relaxing feel after a day work and it can well entertain a couple with friends.
This apartment is conveniently located in Ha Noi Diplomatic Complex, Tay Ho where it is easy to travel to any other parts of Hanoi. Just minutes walking distances to all the amenities for daily life: Supermarket, cafe, restaurants, swimming pool, Gym
Well designed, very open concept duplex apartment with 220 sqm, composed of a large living room, 01 bedrooms on the first floor and 01 bathroom. In addition, another big three bedrooms on the second floor with big wardrobes, and ensuite, there is a nice shower. All rooms are lighted-in viewing green city
Functioning kitchen with a refrigerator, microwave, electric cooker, granite top, cabinet with lots of storage space,
A washer is also included in the apartment for private use only.
This is a rare home to find – Arrange a viewing Now!
나무 바닥
화재 경보
보안 카메라
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