40m², 1 bedroom serviced apartment located in an alleyway in Dao Tan street, perfect for a single/couple working professionals. The apartment is modern, bright, clean, and includes lots of features such as
- High quality furnitures, ready to use. This consists of fridge, TV, air conditioners, and more.
- A king size bed
- Ultilities such as water, TV cable, high speed internet
- Cleaning service 3 times a week.
- … and more!
If you’re looking for an affordable apartment in Ba Dinh area, one of the central areas of Hanoi, with walking distance to places such as Lotte building, and if you still want a place with high living quality and service, then look no further!
Contact me now at phuong@vietlonghousing.com or 0836886569 for more details!
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화재 경보
보안 카메라
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