Spacious 65m², 1 bedroom serviced apartment in Hang Bai street. Located on the center of Hoan Kiem area, you have easy access to many central parts of Hanoi, as well as the Old Quarter. Lots of natural light and very spacious, it is the ideal apartment for a single or couple working professionals in Hanoi. Included are features such as
- Furnitures such as mini fridge, TV, air conditioners.
- A king size bed
- Ultilities such as water, TV cable, high speed internet
- Cleaning service 3 times a week
- … and more.
If you are looking for a decently spacious serviced apartment in Hoan Kiem area, then you’ve come to the right place!
Contact me now at phuong@vietlonghousing.com or 0836886569 for more details!
나무 바닥
화재 경보
보안 카메라
도어 맨

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