Tuc Mac Lane, Hanoi
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Property Lot Size
30 m2
Don’t miss out this 30m², 5 floor house located in Tran Hung Dao street, Old Quarter area. The house has 3 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms, a living room with kitchen. With total living area of 150m², the house is very spacious, perfect if you are looking to share a house with your friends, or if you want a roomy and relaxing place for your family.
The house is furnished, and ready to use. Appliances include TV, fridge, AC, oven, washer and a lot more. The owner has taken great care to design and decorate the house. In the house are beautiful paintings and ornaments, with gorgeous ambient lightning. It is perfect if you want to stay in something different than the norms.

The house is located in the edge of the Old Quarter area, the heart of Hanoi. It is perfect if your job requires you to be near Hoan Kiem, or if you just want to be close to the action in the city. It is in walking distance to Hanoi Railway Station, St. Joseph’s Cathedral, and around 20 minutes to Hoan Kiem Lake.
If this house in Tran Hung Dao look like what you would like to live in, don’t hesitate further.

Contact me now at phuong@vietlonghousing.com or 0836886569 for more details!
Also check out more houses in Hoan Kiem, Hai Ba Trung area: 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom, 4 bedroom
나무 바닥
화재 경보
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