Lake view 2 bedroom apartment in Truc Bach, Ba Dinh Hanoi. The apartment is spacious, open and bright.
- Living space of 130 sq m, 2 bedrooms, a working room, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen and dining area. There is a balcony in front of the living room with the view to Truc Bach lake.
- The apartment is full furnishing, nice and good quality furniture. The price is inclusive of Internet WiFi, cable Tv, city water and cleaning service 1 time/ week.
- Located in Truc Bach island where is a convenient and quiet area. It takes 10 minutes by bike to Hoan Kiem area, 15 minutes to Tay Ho and Ba Dinh.
This apartment is spacious and cozy enough for a small family.
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호수 전망

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