Check out this amazing, 109m² apartment on Hoa Binh Green building! Located on Buoi Street, residents living here have easy access to many essential areas of Hanoi such as Tay Ho, Cau Giay and Ba Dinh. The apartment is modern, spacious, and includes a ton of desirable features such as
- Balcony and a view to Hanoi city.
- Tons of natural lights.
- Top quality furnitures all included.
- 3 times a week housekeeping.
- A room for your kid with 1 twin size bedrooms.
- Japanese TV cable with 25 channels
- Washing machine.
- Oven and microwave oven.
Also included is all the features and benefits of the building, paid for and taken care of such as four season swimming pool, a built in fitness center, golf course range, ultilities, and laundry services. All this so you can jump into your new life in Hanoi, effortlessly and hassle free.
Contact me now at phuong@vietlonghousing.com or 0836886569 for a free tour of the place!
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화재 경보
보안 카메라
도어 맨
옥상 테라스
호수 전망
골프 연습 장

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