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What Are the Top 10 Tips for House Hunting in Vietnam?

Posted by vietlongadmin on March 8, 2023

Moving to Vietnam can be daunting, but it doesn’t need to be. To make the transition smoother, bear these 11 tips in mind. Finding the right place to live doesn’t have to be a struggle. Here are the following tips so you can easily find the perfect place to call home in Vietnam.

Check Out What Vietnam Offers

To gain a better sense of the various communities and places, you need to explore them. Spend some time looking for the locales that most appeal to you, whether it’s a lively nightlife or a more tranquil one. Make some inquiries about wonderful dining and entertainment options, as well as quieter and greener regions. You’ll eventually find the ideal place to call home.

Take Into Account How Long It Will Take You to Arrive at Work

It is crucial to evaluate how long it will take to travel to work while choosing a home in Vietnam. Many people tend to look for the best deal and overlook the fact that it could be an hour-long ride, which can become tedious in the long run. While comparing neighborhoods, keep the distance in mind and make sure it is not too distant from your workplace. 

Choose between an Apartment or a House

There are two sorts of dwelling arrangements available in Vietnamese cities. Traditional homes, which typically have two to four stories, are frequently the more affordable choice. The Western-style apartments, on the other hand, are typically found in expat neighborhoods and have all the essential amenities. Traditional living spaces might not always offer all the contemporary conveniences and amenities that Western-style apartments have to offer. 

Investigate the Accommodations Not Listed Online

Finding a rental home or apartment is best accomplished by walking around.  Search for signs that say “Nhà Cho Thuê” or “Cho Thuê,” which means “home for rent” or “for rent,” in a neighborhood that you believe fits. Ask someone who speaks Vietnamese if they can assist you in communicating with the landlord. If not, you can communicate by using Google Translate or other language-translation tools.

Visit Ho Chi Minh City

Knowing how much you can afford to spend is crucial while looking for lodging in Ho Chi Minh City. You should budget between $300 and $750 per person, depending on the kind of accommodation you want. The least-priced alternative is typically shared housing, whereas Western-style apartments are typically a little more expensive.

Think About Your Budget

When looking for a home in Vietnam, focus your search by determining how much you can afford to spend on a home. It’s vital to bear in mind that Vietnam has lower living expenses than some other countries, so you could be able to find a home for less money than you had anticipated. 

Consider Using Airbnb First

Choosing the ideal area to live in is a process that takes time. It takes patience, perseverance, and money spent on short-term accommodation, like an Airbnb, so you may investigate your possibilities. Thankfully, Vietnam offers excellent lodging options for a reasonable rate, usually between 10 and 15 USD per night.

Join Regional Organizations for Expats

It might be difficult to find a place to live in Vietnam, especially if you rely solely on online resources. However, there is a simple fix: join neighborhood expat groups and strike up conversations with as many people as you can. Doing so can help you meet new people and learn about different housing choices.

Verify Availability of Basic Amenities

Life can be a lot easier and more comfortable if you have access to basic amenities and a cleaning service in your house. You will be able to concentrate on other things and lead a higher quality of life if you have access to dependable sources of utilities like power, water, and gas, as well as a maid to handle domestic cleaning duties.

Choose a Furnished Rental Property

It is typically advisable to select a rental that is furnished if you are seeking housing. In this manner, you may make it livable without having to spend time and money buying furnishings. Look for a location that is furnished with supplies, furniture, and other amenities.

Go Meet the Landlord

Finally, it’s critical to visit with the landlord and discuss any concerns you may have before signing a rental agreement. Without first having a sense of the landlord and how they handle tenant complaints, never agree to anything. In order to learn more about the landlord and any problems they may have encountered while residing in the house, it is also a good idea to speak with previous renters.


House hunting in Vietnam is an exciting, yet potentially daunting task. To ensure a successful house-hunting experience, it’s important to use the top 11 tips as a guide. With these tips in your back pocket, you’re sure to find the perfect Vietnamese home for you in no time! Now, it’s time to get out there and start your journey to the perfect house in Vietnam. Happy house hunting!

Are you looking for houses in Vietnam for sale? Look no further than VietLong Housing! We are the leading Hanoi-based real estate company and can provide you with the perfect home for you and your family. We understand the importance of finding the perfect property. That’s why we have an extensive selection of homes for sale in Vietnam, from luxury villas and apartments in the heart of Hanoi to more rural homes located in the countryside. Our team of experienced agents can negotiate the best price and ensure you get the best deal. Let us help you find the perfect property for you in Vietnam! Contact us today to get started!

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